Board of Directors
Fulfilling the mission of Soles 2 Souls through leadership, compassion, and encounters.

Jake Krotonsky & Alec Bansal
Executive Directors
Jake Krotonsky and Alec Bansal are juniors at Brophy College Prep. In the Fall of 2021, they started Soles 2 Souls in light of their passion for shoes and a desire to make a change in the world. Today, they continue to operate this initiative with like-minded individuals by giving cool, new shoes to numerous different marginalized communities throughout the valley.

Andrew Phillips
Associate Director
Andrew is passionate about helping the less fortunate. "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me" (Matt 25.40). After being extended an invitation to work with Soles 2 Souls, he’s never looked back. He enjoys giving back to the community by working with Soles 2 Souls as an Arizona native.

Luis Villalpando
Director, Communications & Events
Luis is also on leadership teams for Hermanos Unidos and Young Entrepreneurs at Brophy. He is a native Spanish speaker and is happy to assist anyone in both English and Spanish.

Nick Carter
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
Soles 2 Souls gives Nick the opportunity to work with the marginalized in his community in a way that's a lot deeper than a school service commitment. He hopes to continue serving with Soles 2 Souls during his time at Arizona State University.

Edison Martinez Estrada
Director, Member Engagement & Recruitment
Edison is an advocate for kids who do not have the ability to afford equipment for sports. He himself has played football for over 5 years. He is also a native Spanish speaker, which provides him with a unique advantage in multicultural settings to bridge communication gaps between Spanish and English speakers.