You may have seen our previous post at this link, letting the community know of our goals to impact as many lives as possible at the downtown permanent homeless encampment colloquially known as "The Zone" before it is disbanded by the government in the coming days and weeks.
Today, we are excited to announce that with your donations, both fiscal and in the form of your old sneakers, we were successfully able to provide this struggling community with nearly 150 pairs of shoes in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul's dining room facility inside The Zone! We thank you all so much for your support in our endeavors at this location.
If you'd like to continue to support us, remember you can always pick up some sweet merchandise on the "Shop" tab, simply provide a cash donation under "Support Us," or you can always reach out and let us know that you've got some sneakers you don't want anymore by emailing or by sending a text to 602-550-7501.
We especially thank Reid Savage for his continued assistance with our mission to provide shoes to the impoverished among us in Phoenix and for his help this morning.

An image of a talley used to keep track of how many sneakers we were able to donate. Nearly every pair came from donations & people like you. We are very grateful to our community for rallying around us to assist this suffering community.

Above, Luke Burns, our secretary and historian, examines a pair of sneakers to see if they might be a certain size asked of him by one of the ladies at the event.

Our team is introduced to the facility by the staff, where we learn that SVdP serves over 700 people at this location every day for meals.

Alec Bansal, co-founder & co-president, works with one of the SVdP volunteers to sort various pairs of shoes.

Jake Krotonsky, co-founder & co-president, helps a local gentleman sort through several pairs of sneakers to see if he might like any.

Reid Savage, a friend & volunteer with Soles2Souls, joins us to learn more about SVdP.

Andrew Phillips, director of communications & events, checks with an inquiring woman to ensure the pair of shoes she wants will fit her properly.